Dwru Training Courses

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No matter your age or career stage, all STEM professionals can benefit from this program.

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In collaboration with Lightweighting Innovations for Tomorrow (LIFT) and other industry partners, our specialized programming offers you the opportunity to increase your team’s knowledge of lightweight materials and other additive manufacturing technologies. Training and information.ĭesign in Advanced Manufacturing Certificate Training Become a leader in your field and an asset to your company by taking part in the Siegal continuing education program at Case Western Reserve University. Choose a course from the 'Course title' list.ĭWRU _WKHSHUIHFWFRPSDQLRQIRUD VKLQJ KXQWLQJ. Go to /courseevals/ Sign in with your CWRU Network ID and password if prompted. Log in and visit your portal to review your required training courses. How to sign up for online training: All online training is done through Canvas.